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Low-Carb Chicken Tikka Masala Recipe

Chicken tikka masala begins with chunks of chicken marinated in an exceedingly yoghurt sauce. historically, the chicken is then baked in an exceedingly hot tandoori kitchen appliance.

Low-Carb Chicken Tikka Masala Recipe
Low-Carb Chicken Tikka Masala Recipe

Our low-carb version of this notable dish imply preparation the chicken till it's nicely brunet  on the surface and still wet on the within. Serve over long grain white or rice for the whole Indian eating house expertise.

Ingredient Variations and Substitutions
To save time, serve the items of grilled chicken while not slicing and serve the sauce while not pureeing. 3 and a cups of sliced recent tomatoes is used rather than the crushed tomatoes.

Ingredients :

  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon paprika
  • 2 teaspoons garam masala
  • 1 teaspoon ground chile pepper
  • 1 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1/2 teaspoon natural resin (see note below)
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 one/2 cups lactose-free yoghurt, divided
  • 2 tablespoons minced, bare-ass recent ginger root, divided
  • 1 one/2 pounds boned, skinless malformation
  • 3 tablespoons garlic-infused oil
  • 1 cup thinly sliced scallion greens (green half only)
  • 2 cups sliced fennel bulb
  • 2 cups thickly bare-ass, finely sliced recent rutabaga
  • 1 28-ounce will crushed tomatoes, no salt further
  • 2 cups reduced-sodium, low-carb chicken stock

Instructions :

  1. In a little bowl, combine along the cumin, paprika, garam masala, ground chile, turmeric, coriander, asafetida, black pepper, and salt. Divide this spice mixture in and mix one with a 3rd of the yoghurt and 1/2 the minced ginger.
  2. Cut chicken breasts into ½-inch thick fillets or tenders, so they're going to cook properly beneath the broiler. employing a fork, poke holes within the surface of the chicken items to permit them to soak up additional flavor. Place them in an exceedingly giant zip-top bag or flat dish, pour within the yoghurt and spice mixture, seal, and refrigerate for two to six hours.
  3. About 1½ hours before serving, heat a 4-quart cooking pan or Dutch kitchen appliance over medium heat. whereas the pan heats, add garlic-infused oil and also the remaining minced ginger to the remaining 1/2 the spice mixture; stir till this forms a skinny paste. Add the paste to the recent pan and permit it to cook for one to two minutes till it's aromatic and darkens slightly. this is often referred to as "tempering" the spices.
  4. Add the scallion greens, fennel bulb, and rutabaga and stir to coat with oil and spices. Sautee the vegetables till the scallion greens wilt, concerning ten minutes. If the vegetables begin to stay, stir in an exceedingly tablespoon of water.
  5. Add the diced tomatoes and chicken stock. Stir to make sure that no vegetables area unit stuck to all-time low of the pan. Cover, bring round an occasional boil, then scale back heat to keep up a simmer for concerning one hour, stirring often, till rutabaga is tender.
  6. While the sauce simmers, prepare associate degree kitchen appliance rack concerning four inches below the broiler and heat it.
  7. Place the marinated chicken on associate degree oiled or foil-lined preparation pan or baking receptacle. Place the chicken beneath the broiler for three to four minutes, till it begins to brown in spots. take away the pan, flip the chicken items over, and broil on the opposite aspect till chicken is absolutely baked. take away smaller items of chicken from the preparation pan as they become done, to stop over-cooking. Slice or cube the grilled chicken if desired.
  8. Allow the sauce to chill for concerning ten minutes till safe to handle.  Use a stick liquidizer to puree the sauce if desired or move it to a liquidizer in batches. Stir within the remainder of the yoghurt and re-warm gently if necessary. Serve the chicken and sauce over baked rice.

Cooking Tips
For the most effective flavor, arrange ahead to start out marinating the chicken ahead of time the day you intend to serve this meal.
If you don’t have garlic infused oil reachable, add a clove of garlic, take giant items, to the oil after you temper the spices. take away the items of garlic before adding the tomatoes and chicken stock.
Low-carb chicken stock is one while not onions or garlic. make sure to scan the ingredients label rigorously before buying.
Asafetida, a spice utilized in ancient Indian change of state, adds associate degree "allium" flavor note to the current dish.
Fortunately, it tastes far better than it smells. attempt to borrow alittle quantity from an exponent or obtain simply a touch initially to create positive you prefer it. If you can't find it, omit it.
This sauce can be started well ahead of time. After cooking and pureeing it, refrigerate the sauce until shortly before serving. Re-warm it on the stovetop, then stir in the yogurt just before serving. Don’t allow the yogurt to boil or it will curdle.


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