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Chipotle Apple Sweet Potato Salad Recipe

Chipotle Apple Sweet Potato Salad Recipe - a straightforward fall favorite. This sweet & spicy dish is therefore filling with apples, corn, cooked tomatoes, and jalapeno.

Chipotle Apple Sweet Potato Salad Recipe
Chipotle Apple Sweet Potato Salad Recipe

This is my new favorite salad and that i don’t throw words like “favorite” or “best ever” around gently. you will have noticed  that i really like cooked sweet potatoes in barely regarding any dish combination – with cooked tomatoes, cooked apples, corn, and a tangy/smoky jalapeno dressing – was therefore sensible that I created it for dinner 2 nights during a row.

The first night, I created this as a lazy-girl dinner. Jack was out of city therefore for a straightforward “by myself” dinner i made a decision to roast the items (pictured above) that had simply arrived in my house Delivery box. I created a fast (yet super delicious!) dressing and tossed it all at once with cooked pepitas for crunch.

The second night, i used to be therefore excited to recreate it for Jack as a result of I simply couldn’t latch on out of my mind. Am I the sole one that goes to bed dreaming of things like sweet potatoes and apples?

In my humble opinion, this can be late-summer-early-fall turn out perfection. take care to create this whereas you'll be able to still realize a couple of cherry tomatoes in season!


  • 1 medium sweet potato, chopped
  • 1 giant gala apple, cored and cut
  • ¾ cup cherry or grape tomatoes, sliced in 0.5
  • 1 ear of recent corn, husked
  • extra-virgin vegetable oil, for descending
  • two handfuls of baby spinach and/or garden rocket
  • ¼ cup pepitas, toasted
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • ¼ cup feta cheese, optional
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin vegetable oil
  • 2 teaspoons jalapeno paste (or jalapeno powder, to taste, see note)*
  • 2 teaspoons apple acetum
  • ¼ teaspoon honey (or sirup if vegan)
  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


  1. Preheat kitchen appliance to 350°F, and line an oversized baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Toss the sweet potatoes, apple, and tomatoes onto the baking sheet with a drizzle of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Roast thirty to thirty five minutes till the sides of the sweet potato square measure golden brown, agitated halfway through.
  3. Meanwhile wrap the ear of corn in foil and place it in kitchen appliance throughout the last quarter-hour of cooking time.
  4. In a tiny bowl whisk along the vegetable oil, jalapeno paste (or powder), apple acetum, honey (or maple syrup), and a pinch of salt and pepper.
  5. Place the baby spinach and/or garden rocket during a giant bowl at the side of the cooked sweet potatoes, apples and tomatoes. Slice the kernels off the corn and add them to the bowl still. Toss the dish with the dressing, cooked pepitas, and feta cheese, if using. Season to style with salt and pepper.


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